Welcome to Chains, Ropes and Anchors.
Fondling chain and ropes since 1978 and learnt a lot on the way.
If you need some shampoo, a bag of flour and some raisins then you’d be silly not to use a supermarket but if you want top quality advice on the best steak and options around it you hit a specialist, a butcher. We are that figurative Butcher. We specialise in 3 things and know them all, their limitations and what can be done with them, very very well.
We have the largest range of top quality ropes, chains, anchors and anchor winches in New Zealand, if not the Sth Pacific region. Feel free to browse our online shop or contact us for any questions you have regarding chains, ropes or anchors!
Our products are selected on performance, value for money and lifetime cost. We have learnt over the decades cheap can be good but usually works out to be the most expensive option over time and comes with niggles. We can do cheap but we can also do great value, often they aren’t the same.
We also believe in education as a knowledgeable boater is a safer boater who spends less on maintenance and up kept.
Meet Some of Our Team

The Companies fashion director and creator of cunning plans, of which the odd one occasionally is. For a lot of his youth he was the family anchor winch. Started boating at age 4 weeks. First learnt to splice under the tutorship of Peter Carnahan who was the leader at Calliope Sea Scouts back in the day. He’s been at it ever since. Keen boater with a classic L Class Mullet Boat launched in 1913 and a Ross 930. Easily distracted and has a desire to be the laziest bugger in the place.

Again he’s also been at it for decades and has built this knowledge of our products to a depth that is just frightening. Brian runs the ‘special projects’ and keeps an overall eye on the place. The loves of his life include his family and a big Kawasaki go fast motorbike.

From the Brooke dynasty, a family that has shaped lots of NZ yachting and more over many decades. James is a die hard Classic lover and a good looking A Class has been rumoured to cause the need for a cold shower. He also bring a bit of class to the company with, not combs, but his music skills being an accomplished Bass player.

Sandy and Kaeli
She’s not good with photos so we had to drag in an accomplice, her Granddaughter, or it wasn’t happening. She also comes from a boating background, which includes sailing dingys through to offshore. These days she spends some time doing some farming and grand-mothering. Sandy runs the office and is referred to as our ‘Minister of Coin’.