Having ex mooring contractors on staff means we have an intimate knowledge of moorings, the gear used and options around them. Also having been presented with some tricky situations over the years means we have developed a wiser range of options than most. We have supplied moorings in many shapes and sizes both locally and to far off lands. We have even supplied every mooring in an entire country. Also being a major supplier into the mooring contractors means we also have the gear and know it well. Some of our offerings include:
Holiday Moorings: These are designed to be deployed off the beach your tent/caravan/bach/crib is by to save launching and retrieving your boat each day. On arrival you deploy the mooring, when you leave you pick it up and take it with you for next time. These aren’t designed for real crap weather and have some limitations in some areas.
Standard Moorings: We can supply you a shackle right through to a ready to deploy system. Differing Regional Authorities have differing requirements, just tell us who your authority is and we can sort the rest. We also make many which we ship Sth Pacific wide.
Eco Moorings: An interesting term for sure but we have made moorings for very sensitive areas and places like Eco Resorts. We have even developed a method for building mooring weights that can be left in place when the mooring is finished with and no one could tell they are artificial,even all the sea life that will be living on/in it.
Moorings not for boats: Swim platforms, barges for fireworks display, wave buoys, instrument arrays and many many more. Many of these are specified overseas where NZ conditions are quite different so we can tune to suit what local installations will be facing.
If you’d like an idea of costs send us what you’d like to moor, where you’d like to moor it, what is the water depth (note if that is high or low tide) and your tidal range (the height difference between High and low tide).